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  • We provide pre-ligation services to mitigate costly proceedings through fixed- fee options in select jurisdictions for cease and desist letters.  We also assist in mediation and settlements.

  • We assist in civil and criminal litigation. We provide expert advice and assist in gathering and organizing credible and admissible evidence.

  • We offer customized technology solutions.  We evaluate and assess all available technology solutions and advise on the best options for protecting your brand.


No Attorney-Client relationship is created by use of this website. Neither your receipt of information from this website, nor its use to contact The Orhii Law Firm PLLC or one of its lawyers creates an attorney-client relationship between you and the Firm. You will become a client of the Firm only if and when you sign an engagement agreement setting forth the scope of the Firm’s engagement, the fee arrangement and other relevant matters. As a matter of policy, the Firm does not accept a new client without first investigating for possible conflicts of interests and obtaining a signed engagement letter.


© 2017 by The Orhii Law Firm PLLC.

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